Expanding and Becoming More
As our ministry grows we anticipate the need for more PDO locations. Growing to other portions of the city will allow us to serve more families. We hope that by placing our ministry in partnership with local churches we will expose the needs of the Foster Care world. We pray that exposing these needs will furthermore encourage the Christian community to partake in the change.
Furthermore, we feel called to open up a full-time daycare with enough room to quickly accept children as they enter into foster homes. There’s a large gap in the number of daycares that are able to accept CCMS coverage, a program given to foster families to pay for daycare. Even when you can find a daycare that accepts CCMS they often are full and you have to wait weeks to get in. This wait time causes major distress and adds to the burdens already placed on foster families. Our facility will be fully equipped to nurture children who have experienced trauma.
In addition to our PDO programs and our daycare, we will simultaneously be looking to purchase land. This property will allow us to begin the building phase of the large-scale plans the Lord has for Home Austin. We will be thoughtfully purchasing in a location that will serve the families of the greater Austin area.